Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My boys are, thankfully, thick-skinned.

I have to make a better effort to blog more when things are good. The stories, that's what I want to remember years down the line. Here's one from today, as copied from a chat w/ a girlfriend of mine.
7:05 PM me: school was pretty good today
one of my kids was asking all these dumb questions
7:06 PM Grace: hahahah i thought there were no dumb questions in teaching
7:19 PM me: like "will this be on the test?"
so i said, let me let you in on a little secret.. that's one of my least favorite questions
b/c anything we do in class is fair game for a test and we always review before a test anyways
and he goes "well there are no stupid questions right?"
and i go "only stupid people"

I also got a rose on Valentines day from one of my favorite Chem boys. "And not one of those cheap ass roses they're selling here at school" he would probably like me to point out.

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