Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Mess to Be Made

It's getting ugly. So far it's looking like we need to cut the equivalent of 3 FTEs (full time employees). We won't know if we're holding on to our Dream School funding at least for another few weeks, which means we don't know if we're looking at moving to a 6 period day or not. March 15th is the deadline for the district to send out layoff notices.

In the meantime, please join us to show support of public schools this Thursday.. deets:
Join us on March 4 to save our schools!
Statewide Day of Action to Defend Public Education

San Francisco schools are facing $113 million in budget cuts over the next two years. All schools will see layoffs and class size increases. It's time to say enough is enough!

Thursday, March 4, 2010:
3pm - Parents, educators and students from southeast area schools meet at 24th and Mission
3:15 - March together to 16th and Mission
3:45 - March from 16th St. to the State Building at Van Ness and McAllister (505 Van Ness)
4:30pm - Rally with UESF at the State Building, march to Civic Center
5pm - Mass rally in the Civic Center with pre-K through college level students, parents, educators, families from all over the city

Our message to Sacramento: Fully fund public education - reform the state budget process and Prop 13! Cut prison spending, not schools!

Our message to SFUSD Superintendent Carlos Garcia and the Board of Education: Stand with educators and families! No Cuts! No Layoffs! Emergency Funding Now! Defend the Classroom!

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