Sunday, September 16, 2007

Touching :)

If you could spend a day with anyone (living or dead), who would you choose and why?
I would choose my little brother, because I love him very much and I take good care of him. Also, because I really enjoy playing with him, he is so cute.

What do you like most about school? Why?
I like the afterschool homework I do in school, because I go to computers and all.

What do you like least about school? Why?
I really don't like the fighting, I mean, it's all about helping, not destroying.

What can I, as your teacher, do to make this class more engaging for you?
Nothing, you are a really good teacher, I like the way you teach. You are one of my favorite teachers.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Help me remember

why I do this job.

I prefer to be called:

What do you like most about school? Why?
girls! because I like girls and like to have girls I could be with on the weekends

What can I, as your teacher, do to make this class more engaging for you?
You seem like a cool fun teacher, just don't give up on your students and make fun projects.

Do you have any special learning, physical, or emotional needs you want me to know about?
No I don't have any, I'm a normal kid that just wants to learn new things

Do you have any questions for me, your teacher?
umm? no not really, just lookin' forward to know you as a teacher

..that makes two of us.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Hardest Part not just a Coldplay song.

For those of you who were wondering, I did finally move into the city. Thankfully, that shaves almost a half hour from my commute to school, and hopefully gives me back a half hour of my sanity.

Teaching is exhausting. In every sense of the word. I'll admit, that even now.. just the third week of the school year.. there are days when I just barely pluck myself out of bed to go to school. I find myself praying "God, help me. Help me serve my kids and be patient.. b/c I really don't want to be here right now." Can it really be this hard? Is this how the rest of my year is going to be?!? I breathe a huge sigh of relief when the end of 7th period rolls around each day.. but it's bittersweet b/c I know I'm going to have to do it all again the next day. I go home to my empty apartment w/ my roommate I never hang out w/ (mostly b/c I'm in bed by 10 every night).. and think.. Lord, when will this get easier?

Remember the hopes and fears activity I had my students do on the first day? I finally got around to reading the other students' responses.. this one comes from Tristan, the girl with the sad eyes (triste=sad en EspaƱol):
I hope I could get good grades and I hope I do things right so I won't fail any classes. And am looking forward to knowing what I gotta do for physics. But I do fear that I could possibly mess up in school because my boyfriend died during the summer so I'm really hoping I could clear my thoughts and do good. But my main goal is to pass my classes get my credits and join sports to keep my mind distracted.

I want to say that what keeps me going to work every morning is the hope that I'm making a difference in these kids lives, but some days.. I wonder if I'm even making a dent. And while I'm being completely honest.. I cry a lot, these days. I'm a complete basketcase whenever I talk to my family back home b/c I'm so freakin' homesick. Even just typing this, my eyes are welling up. Man.. it's only been four weeks since I've been home, but God I just need to make it 'til Christmas.

Ok so I promised this blog wouldn't be all sob stories and whining.. so I'll end with a story. My coworker and fellow STEP 2007 alum were eating lunch in another teacher's room with a bunch of freshmen. One such freshman decides to guess how old Lisa is.
"27?" He guesses.
"Close, 26." Lisa responds. "What about Ms. Chew? How old do you think she is?"
"I dunno.. 29?"
